06 August 2006

Ezy Rider

Yes. The romance of hitting the road in what is arguably the home of the road movie is an intoxicating thought.
Of course the reality of renting a motorhome - to use the jargon Americans love, an RV - may be a little removed from the rugged individualist ideal of freedom and adventure.
For starters these things are not cool. If it is possible to make a small apartment on wheels look in any way attractive, very little effort has been made on any of the examples I've seen. Indeed it seems to me that an effort is made to make each vehicle as ugly and embarrassing as possible. If the chasis itself doesn't do the job, a paint job of such excrutiating hideousness is applied that being seen entering or exiting the vehicle would be horrible.
See some examples here: http://www.cruiseamerica.com/rv_rentals/available.asp
Then of course everything is bigger in America, and RVs are no exception. You're certainly not going to slip into town quietly. You will be noticed.

National Lampoon's Vacation, here we come.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I didn't know you were so obssessed with the aesthetics of travel. I note a motorbike theme to your posts ... perhaps 'The Campervan Diaries' would be more appropriate.