24 February 2007


So we're now in sunny San Francisco. No sarcasm, either. Apart from a couple of heavy downpours yesterday, we've had clear, sunny, beautiful weather, which apparently is atypical of SF in Feb.

We've done lots here, but here are some of the highlights:

Chinatown (and it's Chinese New Year), where we had excellent dim sum (that's yum cha to you Australians) and saw a fortune cookie factory ...

Sea lions at Pier 39 (there were lots, but this guy was special)

The amazing Alcatraz, where we had an excellent audio tour, and the view back over to the city was beautiful

There's more, but we need to go out and eat now ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic adventure a family could have.. and we've loved every minute of it, so much more to hear soon. That Golden Gate bridge sure is a masterpiece,but we do have a coat hanger,an engineering wonder! Mr.Cheney has had 3 days here, to explore Sydney, and maybe admire our Harbour.
I went over to Danny's place. He has a surprise for you Holden.